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Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Aahhh yes, the joy of getting back into 1/2 Ironman training.

Let me share with you a few of those joys.

Week one soreness.  Which really continues for the next two weeks.

Insomnia.  I'm one of the lucky ones that endures exercised induced insomnia.  Doesn't matter if I work out at 7 am or 7 pm.  Guaranteed I'll toss and turn all night long.

Trying to figure out when to fit in those two hours a day workouts, which soon become 3 hours a day.

Waiting for a lane at the pool.  One of my biggest pet peeves.

Trying to decide when to take the bike off the trainer.  Really it's more like when to take the trainer tire off.  It's quite the project to do so and there's no way I'm riding outside when it's 40.  This indecisive weather is not helping.  75 one day 45 the next.

In a nut shell I sit waiting for a lane at the pool, sore, tired and wondering if soon I'll take the bike on the road or just ride in the basement watching LIVE with Kelly.

Why do I do this again?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Forever and a day....

I know it's been way too long. Almost long enough that this blog disappeared.

I needed the break. Mentally, physically I soooo needed the break.

Then all hell broke loose.

It was not a good Christmas nor New years nor really any holiday since Halloween.

But it's a new year right? Ya I know.....Almost 4 months ago. I'm just now catching up. Catching up 15 pounds heavier and not in athletic shape.

So I declare April 2nd, notice I didn't pick April 1st, jokes on you, to be the first day of 20 weeks of 1/2 Ironman Training. Yup one more time. This time in Steelhead, MI. I pray for solid training, no stress fractures, good times training with my Dad and a positive attitude, and the decision after 20 weeks to decide whether or not I will complete a full Ironman. Not getting any younger.....times a tickin.