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Saturday, August 7, 2010

89 days to go.

Well I did it. Not only did I sign up for the 90 day challenge, I signed up for TEAM EXTREME. It's a new program that they are trying out at the gym and I decided it basically fits into what I'm missing when I'm training. Instead of working one on one with a trainer, I will be with a group of 12-16 people with two personal trainers. We will meet twice a week and they will always be switching up what we need to do. This will be intense enough that not only will it be strength training it will be a cardio workout as well. I'm hoping at the end of the three months I will be stronger, more muscular and a faster athlete because of it.

Of course there's lots of work to be done. But I have the 90 days to transform my body. This morning they took fat measurements and there was a weigh in. So in order to again take a step to being accountable I will share those numbers.

Height 5'10"
Age 39
Weight 152
Fat composition: (using the calibrated pinch method)
Triceps 20
Hips 19
Thighs 25

I end up being 25% body fat. Really? Damn. That's a lot. But I'm not surprised based on my eating habits. Get that under control and that number will drop quickly. Also doing workouts in Zone 3 instead of always in Zone 2 or 4 will help a ton. Zone 3 is your fat burning zone. It's the zone that you feel like yes your working and sweating but that you could keep it up for hours.

So 25% body fat equals 38lbs of fat on my body. In order to claim I'm an athlete the standard fat% would be 14-20% . Which 20% on me now would be 30lbs. So that's my goal for this challenge.

10 lbs. to loose and a minimum of 8 lbs of that being fat.

So my husband knows I'm doing this challenge and with today being day 1 I thought I would stick with eating healthly for the day. Now don't get me wrong I don't plan on being one of those people who restrict everything. That never works. Everything in moderation. I will find the balance. But again today is day one. I had my husband pick up salads from my favorite place. Perfect, a salad that I love and it's huge. What else does he get? Garbage cookies. One for him one for me. I love these cookies. They have everything in them. All types of chips, carrots, potato chips. You name it, it's in the cookie. Sounds gross but they are fabulous. So now I have one starting at me. Thanks dear. Hopefully HE will eat it after dinner.

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