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Thursday, May 15, 2014

I Have Changed

I've been contemplating whether or not to go back to blogging.  It's not like I have a big fan base or even a fan but sometimes I think it helps when the going gets tough.

It's been over two years since my last post.  I feel like I'm at confession.  So not my thing.

So much has happened in those two years.  For now though, I'll concentrate on myself.  For the last few years I have had a new battle to fight.  It's name is anxiety.  It can be a debilitating disease that will take over your whole life if you let it.  I admit I was close to letting it.  Not because I wanted to, but because no matter how hard I fought I couldn't seem to win.  I thought for awhile that I was going to be one of those agoraphobic women that lived a horrible life.

I have tried very hard, with everything in me to win this battle.  It's been over three years and I'm still trying.  What I have come to realize and accept is that I will always be trying.  I won't ever be without the anxiety.  There will always be certain things that will set it off.  But I've come a very very long way.  From barely leaving the house. To back on track with 1/2 Ironman training.  I have more good days than bad now which is huge!  Sometimes though I think those that know I struggle forget I have anxiety because I hide it so well.  This in turn makes things harder for me.  I don't want to come across as still a mess, but sometimes, yup I'm a mess.  Could be a mess that makes absolutely no sense.  But true anxiety and panic attacks don't make sense unless you are truly in a flight or fight scenario.  It's a mental battle every. single. day.

Nowadays, I'm an athlete with an anxiety disorder.  Training for my third 70.3 IM.

Blogging again about training I hope will keep me on track and motivated.

Ironman 70.3 Steelhead
August 10th 2014

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