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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mutt Club

Let's rewind the clock and start with Friday morning. I did a 5k run on the treadmill at my usual time. Off to the gym early since my husband was working from home. I was in the pool before 8am. Side by side with my father we swam lap after lap. My total was 72 laps or 1800m. I would of kept going but had to get ready for spin class. Stumbled home and did lots of shopping during the afternoon. Ate an early dinner and off with the husband and father to a 5k race. I was running twice in one day. A first for me. Not sure what my time ended up being, nothing spectacular, I think Dave and I had a 9:15 pace or so and my father was only 20 sec behind us. But with my leg killing me and it being my 4th workout of the day I'll take it.

Sat was spent with friends at a neighborhood festival and an evening with dinner and drinks. There was no work out this day as my leg was asking me to lighten up already. But at dinner cycling was a hot topic. A few of the guys are starting to cycle and enjoying it tremendously. I sit back and wonder as they tell their stories of where they went and how far, just how serious are they? How fast do they go? Are they really riding like I do? They can't be, they don't have the quality of bike I do and they are about 15 years older than I am. It's also the whole I'm getting back into shape talk. But the way they are talking I'm feeling like just maybe they could beat me if we were racing. So as we continue to talk one of the guys mentions going to spin class again on Monday. It would be his second time there. I jumped on that as quick as I could. I volunteered my husband to go, much to his surprise and then everyone decided they would go. Monday 9am spin class, beware. This would give me a better idea of how serious they really were about cycling and could I join them some Sat for a ride and not get left behind?

Sunday was a great day spent with my parents and the kids at Brookfield Zoo. It's been about 10 years since I've been there. I always enjoy seeing the animals, but always wish they didn't have to be locked up. I didn't do any exercise again this day. Did lots of walking at the Zoo which my leg thanked me for later that night as it ached.

So the highlight of the weekend was Monday 9am. There we all were. All 7 of us on the spin bikes, back row of course, so no one can stare at your derriere. We could of been considered one big mutt. We had 2 triathletes, 2 bikers, 1 who works out on a regular basis and 2 who are totally newbies to spin. We all started and I'm proud to say we all finished. An hour later we had one who had pain in his knees, one who couldn't stand up and pedal, one who barely made it through, one who thought it was tougher than a normal endurance ride which Monday was supposed to be, one who lost his footing and one who lost his shorts and one who enjoyed every minute of the pain because we were all there together. So this was it, I was very curious to know how the two guys compared that to their weekend cycling adventures. For me this particular class was tough but nothing that I can't handle. Was similar to a ride I would do outside. For them it wasn't even close. That spin class cooked them and spit them out. That's when I knew everything they say about biking has to be put into perspective. I think they are doing great and hope they keep it up. But I now know, what they consider to be long, fast and tough is just another day for me. Another sign I'm making progress.

So now I wait........went to the doctor this morning to finally find out what's up with my leg. Putting it off for 5 months was enough for me to break down and go. X-rays show nothing but the area is painful enough to dig deeper. So I get a MRI done Thurs with results on Monday. Until then I think I'll stay away from running. Anyone up for another spin class? ;)

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