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Saturday, October 17, 2009

In Need of a Decision Maker

After racing for the past 5 years you would think that I would have a master plan. You would think that the day before the race I would know exactly what I need for that day. You would be thinking wrong.

Tomorrow I have my first duathalon. Should be easier than a triathlon. It's only a 2 mile run followed by a 12.4 mile bike followed by another 2 mile run. But really no race is ever easy. If your racing, it will be hard. I don't care what distance you're doing. Racing means giving it 100% of your effort. But along with giving 100%, part of the equation is picking the right clothing, nutrition, fluids so on and so on.

I have spent the past 24 hrs contemplating what to wear. Do I wear tri shorts? No, it's too cold. Do I wear tights? Not sure, as they have no bike pad. Can I wear my tri shorts under the tights? Probably not. But maybe. Do I wear the white shirt or the black one? Maybe I should wear both. Jacket is a must, but do I wear it on the run too? What about gloves? I have running gloves and biking gloves. Maybe I can wear the thin running gloves under the biking gloves. But do I wear them both the whole time or do I put on the biking gloves as I'm in transition? On to the electronics. Unfortunately they say no headphones. It's only a 4 mile run so I think I can handle that. But what about the heart rate monitor? Do I wear that or the garmin for distance? Heart rate monitor would be great for the biking. However, I like to know my pace with the garmin on the run. Solution would be buy the new triathlon garmin that has both. Not going to happen today. So which do I choose? Nutrition. Do I bring GU or beans? Do I take a Gu at the start? On the bike? Both? Can't eat the beans while running but can while biking. Gu however is easier to handle. Decisions. decisions.

It doesn't stop there. I have to make an effort to pay attention to what I eat and drink today. I need to pay attention to my knee that has been bothering me for two days now. I slept wrong on it Thursday night and now am paying the price. Of course my leg. I have to pay attention to not turning it funny or aggravating it today. On to tomorrow, what time do we leave? Where do we go? Where do we park? Where exactly is the starting line?? Will there be enough people directing us on the course? There are a lot of turns, it better be well marked. The Legacy Arts in Crystal Lake is hosting this race, it's a first for them. Do they know how to pull it off? Do they know what they are doing?

Funny part is that I can think of so many more decisions that will be made in the next day that I haven't even touched upon. There are so many variables to racing that you just have to try and make the best decision for that day and hope the rest will fall into place. That doesn't always happen but when it does it's a great feeling. I usually know how the race will go within the first 5-10 mins. As my body gets into a rhythm and I diagnose how I feel, I start to make a plan. I start to strategize. I start making very quick decisions. I become someone who knows exactly what to do. I have a master plan. That plan tomorrow is to bring home a medal.

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