I'm slacking with the blog postings. I need to do better. I feel that if there is nothing really worth blogging about then why bother? But there is a reason to this blog. I need to post about those non eventful days. I need to explain how training is going even when it doesn't seem important. I need to be able to go back to all of these posting and realize that not everyday can be awe inspiring.
Another week has come and gone. Another week of virtually no sleep. Which means little to no workouts. Combine that with physical therapy which I have decided that the theme to my injury is, "It's going to get worse before it gets better" and I reached a limit that I don't like to get to. The one where I eat everything, get mean, tired, hurt and wonder why? Is it worth it? I'll make myself reread my post "Is it worth it?" after I'm done writing this one!
This all brings me to today. I ran this morning a whopping 3 miles. Yes it hurt and it will continue to hurt for many weeks to come. My PT has been working on getting my two ankle bones to move more freely. Opposite of each other. SO now not only does my shin hurt so does my ankle! Anyway I ran this morning and fought with myself on whether to go to spin class. This was an hour long mental battle. Down to getting the clothes out to putting them away to getting them back out again. Because I hadn't been working out much and hadn't been to the gym in a week it's always a hurdle for me to get myself to go back. Nothing short of a miracle I went. I was glad I did as my father was there too. Yesterday he showed up at my house ready to scold me for not going to the gym, however he was surprised to see my son home from school with a giant golf ball bump on his forehead. A whole other story. Had I not shown up today I would of been grounded!
Today's class anaerobic drills. Not really what I felt like doing. A nice easy ride without raising my heart rate above 140 would of been more pleasurable. However that class doesn't even exist. Class started at 9 and by 9:30 I was glad I was there. I felt better. I was pushing very hard. Hills, sprints, recovery repeat. That would make for a good shirt. Anyway, I realized when the song "Use Somebody" came on that I needed to use this class. These people, the instuctor, my father and my friend. It was great to be there. I felt strong. I remembered my goal. I remembered why I do this to my body, I remebered that even though I haven't worked as hard as I could have this week I can still kick most peoples butt when challenged. I remebered that I am an athlete. A week of no sleep can't take that away from me.
Thankfully I am back to my normal sleeping habits. Of course that's not even close to normal for most but it's all I get and I'll take it. I can function. I can get stuff done. I can hit the gym. I can hit the trails this weekend. I can enjoy the weekend with my family. I can work hard and I can play hard!
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