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Friday, August 28, 2009

I Gotta Feeling....

It's official...I got back on a bike and in a pool today.

Took spin class this morning after 9 weeks of being off a bike. I was so hopeful that it wasn't a hill climbing day or a sprint day. Someone was watching over me this morning, as it was aerobic endurance day! Thank god. I didn't know if I would of made it through an hour if it had been all hills. My knees throbbed all night long. This getting back into shape thing is not easy! It will take another week before my knees start to cooperate and not ache so much. For now I'll have to suck it up and deal with it. Spin class actually wasn't too bad. I think the music collection for the day is what kept me happy. The instructor had a mix that was exactly what I would of picked. Always makes for helpful motivation.

So after spin I struggled to get on my bathing suit over a hot sweaty body. Always a workout in itself. As I approached the pool I took a look around. It was quiet. The lap pool looked like a piece of glass. Only a few in the hot tub where I so wanted to go. My thoughts were....

"Ok, it's been 2 1/2 months since I did my last swim. Don't expect much. Hopefully I'll get out 100m without drowning."

I remembered back when 2000m seemed effortless.

"I can do this.....I have to do this....I will do this!"

There have been times that I have missed a week or even two of swimming while training. I always felt like a fish out of water the first day I would get back to it. Today the first lap seemed smooth. I can't believe it. I ended up doing a 400m in 9:15 and a second in 9:05. Still around 30-45 secs slower than before, but hey, I'll take it.

Today I saw myself making progress.

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