I am not a good sleeper. That is putting it mildly. I have my phases. I can go a month or two of good sleep, which for me would be about 6 hrs a night or so. Then all of a sudden a light switch gets turned on and I'm doomed. I get about 3-4 hrs. of sleep total during that phase. I have absolutely no trouble falling asleep, just ask my husband. But unfortunately I wake up usually around 2-3 hrs later. That's when it all goes to hell. I toss and turn for the rest of the night. I drift in and out but I'm never really back to a deep sleep. I have lived this way for years. This brings me to last night. After a week of basically no sleep, I must of crashed. I slept a whole 5 hrs straight. That is a rarity.
I got up at my new time of 5:45 am to get my first son up. This morning felt different. I realized after being up about 15 mins this is what if feels like to most people when they get up. Tired but they feel like they slept. I very much enjoyed that feeling! After getting the first off to school I jumped on the treadmill ready to run. I had run yesterday and biked 25 miles so I figured I should be able to run a 4-5 mile run without much trouble now that I was "rested". WRONG.... I ran the first mile and quickly realized that my body felt very very tired. What up with that? I managed to run/walk 4 miles. I would guess I walked about a 1/3 of it. Later that morning I went to spin. Of course it was an AT intervals. Can't get much harder than that. Again my body wasn't up for the challenge. I made it through the class. But I made it more of an AT interval minus 10 beats. I'm a spin class cheater.
Swim was up next. I was ready to just go home. But bagging a workout is worse than at least trying and seeing what I can do. I had some sport beans, maybe half a bag in hopes I would get some energy from somewhere. In the pool I went. My father was there. Ready to out swim me and gut out 1200m. I was hoping for an 800 today. Slow and good form was the theme. Only the second time to be back in the water. I think my father was done at about 800 or 1000m. He stopped a few times. Trouble with his foot cramping. I on the other hand breezed right through 1200m. With a pace of 9:30 for a 400m. It wasn't fast but certainly acceptable considering I'm a newbie again. Maybe swimming is my strength and I just never knew it. Maybe it was the sport beans. I decided I should buy some stock in that company. I'll be eating a lot more of those in the future.
Thanks Joelle,I am glad I am not the only one who has days that their body just will not respond and a 3 mile run feels like it was done with weights on my back. But like you, I'll keep on trying. Thanks,Patty