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Friday, September 3, 2010 To New Levels

I'm still moving forward, though it might be less painful to walk backwards down the stairs. I feel like I ran a marathon on Wednesday. My legs with special mention of the knees and inner thigh are on fire. The kind of pain that when you sit to go to the bathroom you have to support yourself with your hands on the counter. Getting up.... even harder. Happy I am to have a small bathroom and have the counter to rely on.

This is exactly what I need. Why do I feel this way? It's from my new modified personal training class. I didn't think I would ever be this sore from class. At the time I knew I was getting a good workout I just didn't know how good. Or the other way to look at it is that yes I'm an endurance athlete, but holy crap, I'm way out of shape. I have muscles deep within that carry me through my endurance type events but I don't have the strength in those same muscles to leap, squat, lunge, shuffle, kick at high speeds or with resistance and weight. If I did I wouldn't been so damn sore! This is my first lesson. This class will make me stronger. It will most definitely make me faster. Everyone watch out. I may not be able to walk faster than you today. But give me three months and I'll blow you away.

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