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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Training Smart

Been over a week since I've blogged. Not that I haven't wanted to but really there isn't much to say or report.

The biggest news of the week is that Goofy training started. I've chosen to do the Hal Higdon novice 1 again. Last time I did novice 2 and really I should be able to handle the next level with all the years I have been running. But I'm taking my approach a bit differently this time. My goal is to finish the Goofy training with my left leg in tact and not in pain 24 hours a day. SO in order to do this I need to do the least amount of running possible with the most bang for your buck. I have very specific workouts now. Each run has a purpose. There will be no running the same thing day in and day out. I also will be doing a ton of cross training. Swimming and spin class will be a staple of this training for the next 4 months.

So each week goes something like this...

Monday: Fast pace run and spin class
Tues: Long slow distance run
Wed: Swim and circuit/strength class
Thurs: Recovery run
Friday: Swim and circuit/ strength class
Sat: Marathon pace run

Now of course I'm still playing around with what works out on which days. But all these workouts will take place. I'm not sure as the mileage goes up that I can run fast and do spin right after. But I can't really change that run to Wed or Fri because that is too many running days in a row. A recipe for disaster according to my shin.

My fast paced runs will be a minimum of 30 secs faster per mile than marathon pace. Hopefully as I get in better running shape I'll be able to hold down a 45sec- 1 minute increase in pace those days. LSD run will be 1 minute slower per mile than marathon pace. Recovery run is based totally on heart rate. Keeping it in the top of zone 2 and hitting zone 3 towards the end of the run. And the biggie the marathon paced run. I'm shooting for 9:30 pace. This is much faster than I have ever run a marathon before. But after running a 9:00 m/m for a 1/2 marathon during triathlon training, I believe that I should be able to hold anywhere between 9:30 and 10 for Disney.

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