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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thank you

Thank you for being the first one to teach me how to steer a car at the ripe old age of 8.

Thank you for teaching me how to fish.

Thank you for putting the worm on the hook and taking the fish off.

Thank you for pointing out all the "scooters" (groundhogs) as they ran across the street.

Thank you for stopping and watching the mama bear cross the road with her babies.

Thank you for telling me to step right behind you as we tromped through the woods. I never did see a snake in all those years.

Thank you for telling everyone you saw even if you didn't know them that I was your granddaughter and your best buddy.

Thank you for understanding that I was not going hunting and I would not be shooting a gun.

Thank you for teaching me the importance of taking care of a car.

Thank you for explaining how to grow a garden and sharing the biggest tomatoes I have still ever seen.

Thank you for teaching me how to play poker.

Thank you for teaching me how to play marbles.

Thank you for playing "I won it, I two it" and always being the one who "8 it"

Thank you for watching me as I played at the park. Keeping a close eye on me.

Thank you for the giant Easter basket each year and explaining the difference between cheap chocolate and the good stuff.

Thank you for tucking me in every night and sneaking up the stairs hoping I wouldn't see you.

Thank you for being you. I will always cherish those memories. I miss you already.

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