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Monday, January 11, 2010

Hearts are pounding

Week two of base building. After week one my legs are sore, tired and really don't want to go to spin class. But I'll be there. Let's just hope that it's not a hill repeat day!

My shin is getting worse. Hoping that my new products will arrive today or tomorrow. I'm really tring to do whatever I can to keep the leg in check. But it looks as though unless I stop exercising all together that is not going to happen. So I forge ahead with the hopes that I can keep the pain tolerable.

This week is much like last week with the exception that I will get more swim time in. Today is spin and about 2000m swim. Tuesday a run of about 3-4 miles and another swim of 1600m. Not sure what Wed will bring, maybe a rest day. Thursday will be run and bike, distance yet to be determined. Friday back to spin and swim.

Things are getting back to normal here as the holidays are well over. Nice to get into a routine again. I'm actually looking forward to following a training schedule next month. I haven't followed any structured program in over 2 years. Instead of trying to decide what to do it's laid out for me and I don't have to think about it. Just get er done and hope you can move the next day to do it again.

I did a little test yesterday on the treadmill. My husband is just starting out with his heart rate monitor. Trying to figure out how to use it seems to be a challenge for him. So after his 4 mile run he told he where is heart rate was for most of it. Mostly the last mile. It was in the mid 160's and into the 170's. That to me seems very very high seeing as he was running a 10 min mile. Yet he says his breathing wasn't labored. How is that possible? So I tried a 4 mile run at the same pace and found that my avg heart rate was 143. I then proceeded to run faster on mile 5, kept increasing the speed until I hit his high rate of 175. I got to 7:30 pace and was able to gut out 3/4 of a mile before I had to slow down. There is no way I could run with my heart rate that high for more than a sprint! So what's up with that? Why does he have such a high heart rate? More investigating is needed.

Bring on week two........

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