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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'll Be Back

Well, well that three miler gone wrong, there was a reason for that. I found out yesterday why I felt so horrible the last few days.

To make a long story short only because I should be resting not blogging I had to go to the immediate care center not once but twice yesterday. After getting the kids off to school, which was a nightmare, I laid on the couch rocking not knowing what to do with myself. Even inch of my body hurt. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't form complete thoughts. I couldn't do anything. I had called the doctor the day before because I knew something was wrong. I thought that the infection I had been battling was traveling to my kidneys. They couldn't get me in the see the doctor until the following day at 11:15. I took it and hoped for the best. So now I lay on the couch and try and decide if I can wait that long. And honestly as much as I have always liked my doctor He really screwed up when he told me my original urine culture was fine. So off I went to the walk in. After a few hours, blood work and a CT contrast scan I was sent home. Knowing that my kidneys were fine and I may have a virus along with the UTI. Another option I might be having issues with the 3rd antibiotic I am on. However, I don't have a rash to support that theory so since it seems to be tackling the UTI well, unlike the other two meds, the Dr didn't want to change it.

My husband so nicely came home to take care of me. I had lunch and decided I sooooo needed a shower. I was loaded up on Tylenol so I felt like I could move without all the searing pain. To the shower I go. As I am in there I realize OMG I do have a rash. All over the front and back of me. Hundreds of red spots. They didn't itch. I wonder since I've really been out of it for a few days how long have I had this? I call the Dr I saw and he wanted me back in immediately. Of course when you having an allergic reaction breathing is always a concern. My chest a bit tight but nothing really I couldn't handle. Now ask me to run and there would of been no way. He confirmed that yes indeed I was allergic to the medication I had been taking for 6 days now. 6 DAYS. Little by little my body was reacting. Each day I would get worse. So he sent me home to take it easy. Will have the meds out of my system in about 1 1/2 days. IT's been almost 24 hours since I last took it and I can say I feel a thousand times better today. Sure I'm still sore and tired but nothing like yesterday. The Dr gave me my 4th antibiotic for my UTI which was finally starting to go away. He was certain though if I stopped taking any antibiotics it would be back with a vengeance. So another 7 days. He plans on calling me if any changes need to be made when he gets the third culture back.

Needless to say I am not running, swimming, biking or strength training this week. I already got an email from my trainer telling me she wants to talk to me about my chronic over training and immune system. Listen chick....I am not a chronic over trainer. I get plenty of rest between my training programs. And I already know what happens to the immune system when your training hard like for an Ironman or marathon. But it's what I do. I didn't get sick because of over training. I got sick because I got a stupid medicine resistant UTI and an allergic reaction. I don't need or want the lecture. She's working on my nerves. But I have to say she gives a great workout.

So I'm hoping by Sunday I'll get a much better 3 miler in than last Sunday and we'll take it from there. I'll just pretend like this missed training week never happened.

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