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Monday, December 28, 2009

Start slow

Apparently 3 weeks have gone by without a single workout. What's funny is I ate and drank anything I wanted in those three weeks. Guess how much weight I gained. As of this morning I weight 1/2 pound less. How is that possible? Annoying is what it is. I work my ass off for months and don't lose a pound. But I can eat anything in huge quantities and I don't gain a pound either. I'm going to have to figure out what the deal is with that. Sounds to me like my metabolism actually slows down during training. That's not supposed to happen! Now I have to admit that even though I weigh the same the body is changing. Legs are not as muscular and my tummy is not as tight, though it never was really. My arms are flabbier. So I guess I lost some muscle and gained some fat. Oh joy.

Well I still have a New Year's party to host but I have no other excuse not to get back in the game. So this week I will ease myself into exercise again. Today a nice slow run on the treadmill. No more than 4 miles. Have a feeling 4 will feel like 20. Tomorrow a nice slow bike ride on the trainer, maybe 10-15 miles. No swimming this week. I'll hold off until next Monday. That will be a sight no one wants to see. Back to being a fish out of water for a couple of weeks.

During my 3 week hiatus I was still going to PT. I have two more to go to this week then I'm on my own. My leg is still not healed but it's the best it's gonna get right now. I'm hoping that the 3 weeks of not pounding on it helped. But as I run my hand down my shin I can feel the pain at the bottom. Ready to rear it's ugly head within a week of exercising again. I'm just gonna have to grin and bear it and try to keep up on the PT exercises home. It will be mandatory that it is part of my training. Otherwise I may not make it to any start line this year.

So I'm back............not feeling all that strong but ready to kick some butt. The first run today will be the hardest mentally. After that I'll just mold back into the athlete I was in Nov.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Holidays......right?

I am slacking in a big way. In a huge way actually. Everyday I'm loosing the fitness that I have worked so hard to keep. Even knowing this and acknowledging it doesn't make me lace up my shoes and hit the treadmill. I'm overwhelmed right now and something had to give.

I've been away from the gym for 2 1/2 weeks now and my last work out was almost 2 weeks ago. Instead I have been getting ready for the holidays. Decorating, shopping, getting ready for family to visit, the visit its self, celebrating a birthday, cleaning, baking, cooking, shoveling and the latest added to the list is caring for my son with pneumonia.

As of now I still have about 100 dozen cookies to make, another birthday to celebrate, all the wrapping. I still have to finish shopping, I have 6 boys torturing me Friday into what will be a not so much sleep sleepover. I host Christmas Eve dinner and will be hosting a small New Years Eve gathering too. I have cookie trays to make and deliver. I know there's more but I just can't think straight.

Something had to give and I chose the one thing that doesn't affect anyone but myself. Isn't that the motherly thing to do? Well maybe it does affect my father as I haven't seen him in awhile either. He's lost his training partner at the gym. He'll be way above me in the fitness department by the time I get back to the gym. Me and my 2 sizes bigger body will just have to play catch up before the real training begins in Feb. I chose to do this to myself. I chose to put the family first right now. I will struggle come Jan when I go back to the gym. But that has never stopped me before and it won't again. So until then. Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Those Words

Maybe it was the way they were said to me. So matter of fact like. Maybe it was because it was something I already knew but wasn't ready to acknowledge. Maybe I'm just tired of thinking about it and now I will always have to. I just wanted it to go away and those words will forever be a part of me.

I am an injury prone athlete. I went to the doctor this morning for a second follow up for my shin. Yes I still have shin splints. Most centered near the bottom of the shin which also wraps around my ankle. The good news is that I would say I'm 75% better. If I can run 13 miles one day then bike 25 the next and still be able to walk without pain then yes it most definitely is better. But what about all the times that it still aches and the times it does act up when running. Or how about this morning as I was walking up the stairs I could feel it pulling. Or when I twist the wrong way and an instant jolt goes up the leg. What about all that? This injury is almost impossible to heal because there is no blood flow to the tissue that attaches to the bone. It's the tissue that is pulling away from the bone, which causes the pain. It's a long process to fully heal and the problem is that doing nothing doesn't make it better and doing too much will make it worse. So I'm stuck in limbo. Best solution I have is to finish PT this month and then forever continue to do all the same things at home in hopes with all my training that I can keep it under control, aka be able to withstand the pain.

I have dealt with many injuries, both knees, hip and groin area, heels of my feet and other more minor aches and pains. All of which I have battled and won. This time all is stacked against me.

After I left the doctors I got in the car with a heavy sigh and heavy heart. I had a pity party for myself with a few adjoining tears for the first 10-15 minutes then decided really there's nothing I can do about it but move forward and hope for the best. I may end up in more pain than before. I will find the strength to get through it. All I can do is what the doctor told me. Keep up with the exercises, back off when it gets worse, then get right back to it. Take days of rest when needed cause if I don't I may loose months of training.

I still have a goal to reach. I will do this 1/2 iron man. This injury will not stop me.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Torture to my ears

I went with plan C on Friday. I ended up riding for 25 miles. Was a good recovery ride for the legs and kept it in a zone 2 for most of the ride. Only a few minor details made for a not so nice ride.

Saturday I got back on the bike for a 10 mile ride and a 4-5 mile run. There is a creaking sound that is coming from the bike while on the trainer. It has been bothering me and is getting loud enough that not even the headphones can drown out the sound. After about a mile of riding I decided that I was going to find the source of the sound before I did the workout. It was like Chinese water torture to my ears. After playing around with positions, tightening every bolt I could find, nothing worked. My husband lent a hand in trying to figure it out. We decided that I should change the tire. I was literally burning rubber off my current back tire. It was on the list of things to do but I was hoping to get through Dec before switching them out. I had purchased a cheap tire with the bike thinking I would use it right away for the trainer back in Feb. But really didn't do much riding indoors so it never got done.

So a lesson on changing a tire began for my husband. It was not a pretty sight. After finally getting the tire off the rim I was covered in black. Damn tire was literally disintegrating. Next step is to put the new tire back on. Now I have changed both tubes in my tires on my own. But never changed the tire out. The tubes that I have on the bike are thorn resistant. So much thicker than a regular tube. Combine that with a thinker tire and congratulations you have an impossible situation. I tried so hard with every muscle I had to get that tire to pop into the rim. Only had about 5 inches left and it was too tight. My husband couldn't do it either, which made me feel better. So now we take the tire off and switch out the tubes. Tried again and with everything I had and then with everything he had we finally got it on. Next step get the wheel back on the bike. Of course it's the back tire so it's much more difficult to line it up right. After a few choice words, stomping of the feet and basically a meltdown we got it on. Actually my husband did. I was so frustrated after this hour long episode. We had a mess to clean up. The floor had to be attacked with a vacuum, a magic eraser and a bottle of Windex. After all was said and done I got back on the bike for about 1 minute and could tell the difference immediately what a new tire feels like on the trainer. The torturous sound seems to be gone. However, I didn't really ride it long enough to be sure. I just couldn't I was too beaten up by the wheel.

Little did I know, I was more beaten up than I thought. After spending most of the day decorating the house for Christmas I sat on the couch that night in pain. The pain was from underneath my right shoulder blade. The kind of pain when you move your head it feels like someone poking you with a fork. God forbid I sneezed or coughed or even laughed. Friday night was awful. I could barely move. Shooting pains all night every time I would move an inch.

Well here it is Monday and I should be at the gym swimming, biking and running. I've gained 2 pounds last week with all the food and drinks over the holiday weekend. But no I'm at home waiting for the pain to go away. It's much better today but still sore. I think I exerted myself so hard with the tire that I strained a few muscles in my back. Tomorrow I plan on getting back to the gym. I need to get back in the pool. It's been too long.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Plan A, B or C?

Sometimes the best plan is not to have a plan at all. To take it day by day. Deal with what's given to you that day and nothing else. Out of the entire year I have to really concentrate on doing this now. I have spent the last two nights stressing over getting stuff done. And now that it is the day after Thanksgiving let the madness begin.

I never made it to the 5K. Weather was not what I call fun running weather. Cold, wet and a bit of snow on the ground. As the day went on it got even colder. So plan B was to go to the gym and get in a long swim before the kids were even up. But that cold day was staring me in the face at 6:30am and I just couldn't justify leaving. So now what, I didn't have a plan C. My ankle on my bad leg has been a little touchy the past couple of days so I thought that if I were to bike I may not be able to run on it afterwards for very long. So I decided to run first then bike for awhile. Plan was anything over 3 miles. If 4 felt good then maybe I would do 6. If 6 went well maybe just maybe 7. But I figured it would be about 4. Well I ended up running 13.1. Why? I'm not sure other than the fact that I could. The kids were asleep for most of my run. The husband kept me company for an hour of the run while he biked. By the time I was done there was no bike added to the day. I'll save that for this morning and give up my treadmill time to my husband who wanted to run yesterday but I hogged it too long.

So what's the plan for today? There is no plan. Not today. I may bike 10,20 or more miles, I may go out shopping and battle the crowds. I may go bowling. I might start unpacking the endless boxes of Christmas decorations. I might do all of these things or I may do none of these things. What I need to do is not get overwhelmed. I feel it in my body. It's rising to the top. I need to make sure I don't let it boil over. Been there done that and it's not pretty. Keep calm. The more I think about it I'd better start opening those Christmas decorations today.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We all scream........

I'm completely out of my routine. If you call what I do week in and week out a routine. Sure there are days that I don't go to the gym and right now I don't really stick to any plan, but man I'm really off course right now.

My kids have the whole week off from school this week. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. Yesterday I didn't work out. Today I only ran 6 miles on the treadmill. Tomorrow I can't work out as we have plans for most of the day. Thursday is Thanksgiving and we are either running a family 5k or if the weather comes as predicted there will be no 5k. If I don't do the 5k I'm supposed to go to the gym to swim. It's been, I think, a week since I've been in the pool. That's not a good thing. But who wants to get up at 6 get to the gym by 7, swim a few thousand meters then come home to start Thanksgiving day?? I'd much rather get up at 8 make some hot chocolate and sit with my kids and beg them to watch the Macy's day parade with me.

Maintaining my fitness for the next 5 weeks is going to be much harder than I thought. I struggled with the run this morning. Not sure why other than I was just not that into it. I should of gotten on the trainer for at least a 10 mile ride but that didn't happen. I can't even say that I was too busy this morning to get a longer workout done. I wasn't doing anything other than making my kids breakfast, getting them to help out with some chores and all of us getting showers. I'll spend the rest of the day having lunch with them. Maybe a few hands of 21, our new fun game to play, then to the orthodontist and for a treat Dairy Queen.

If you would ask my kids tonight at dinner was it a good day they would probably say yes. Dairy Queen will be the best part. So I'll keep that in mind the rest of the week. If the workouts aren't as tough, or shortened up a bit, or not done at all that's ok. As long as I see a small peanut butter blizard in my future and my kids are with me then it will be a good week.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sweet Dreams

So yesterday was a very odd day. I didn't feel well all day and I really couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. You know that feeling you get right before you get a cold or worse the flu. I spent the day unable to make any decision with out making it into a huge deal. I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't sit still. My stomach flipped. I felt hot and cold at the same time. I took my temperature about 5 times but no fever. I had a small sore throat. I was convinced that today I would be hit with something that would be sending me to the doctor soon.

At one point during the day I was sitting at the computer playing a game and eating 3 big cookies. Thinking cookies and M&M's would make me feel better. I was unmotivated, uninspired and just wanted to go to bed. Then the phone rang. It was my Dad with a new theory about registering for the half iron man. We planned on waiting until the new year to register. Why give them $100 now when I could wait for another couple of months. But depending on when you register puts you in a certain wave of the swim. The sooner you register the earlier your wave start. So neither one of us want to be in the last waves of the swim. You never really feel like you are racing with anyone when you are at the back of the pack. It gets pretty lonely on the bike as it is for the shorter races. When you have to bike 56 miles all alone that can really break you down and play with your head. My father is not a fast swimmer. I don't consider myself a strong biker just yet. So I agreed with him to register now to be at the head of the pack. So it's official. I am registered for the half iron man in June of next year. And I did it while eating junk not working out that day and really feeling like crap.

I had no idea how I would feel this morning. The night wasn't too bad I wasn't achy and I didn't toss and turn too much. I would say it was a decent night. The first 30 mins I was up I knew I felt better for sure just didn't know how much. After my stomach calmed down a bit I knew I was good to go. So back to the gym I went. Got in a spin class and a 5 mile run. After my shower the stomach started up again and I got really tired but I definitely feel better than yesterday. I really think that as I get older sleep is becoming more important. I never sleep well and usually it didn't really matter. About once a week I would collapse and get extra rest then I was fine again. Now that doesn't seem to work. I think my body was telling me yesterday to slow down. It needed sleep and it was doing everything it could to get me into bed. Next time I will heed to it's advice and do what it's asking of me. It will only make me stronger the next day.

Here's hoping for some sweet dreams tonight. I have my 4th workout of the week tomorrow morning.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

June 19th 2010

Dear Joelle,
Congratulations! You are now registered for High Cliff Half Iron Triathlon. Please check the event's official website for updates:

Registration Details
Confirmation #:
High Cliff State Park (Map)
Purchased at:
Half Iron - Individual
Joelle Segrue

Monday, November 16, 2009

Quietly Optimistic

Another week has come and gone and I'm proud to say that I got 5 days of workouts in. Didn't get much shopping done but my house is clean. So two out of three isn't bad.

Did things a little different this weekend. Sat I decided to do a 20 mile bike on the trainer. That trainer is now named the beast. I swear it is so much more difficult to ride on a trainer than on the open roads. I average about a comfortable 17mph on the bike outside and a hard slow pace of 14-15mph on the trainer. I am not looking forward to the 50 mile bike rides I will have to get in before the weather gets warm enough for me to take it outside. 50 Miles on a trainer will take from lunch to dinner time. All I can hope for is that when I do take it back outside it will seem like a breeze. I had planned on running after the bike for a few miles but changed my mind instead. My body was telling me enough save it for tomorrow.

So yesterday I quietly planned a long run. It's been awhile since I have done one. I think the last one was over a month ago and it was 7 miles. Funny I call that long now. It wasn't all that long ago that 7 miles would be just an easy day when I was training for the marathon. I wanted to see if my leg could handle the run and if I felt any improvements in it during the run and after. Well I'm happy to report that I ran 10 miles at a comfortable pace of 9:40 with the last mile at 8:34. My heart rate stayed in check. Never reaching 150 until mile 7. I could feel my shin pain however I have to say at times I forgot that my leg hurt. That is a huge milestone. Wait until I tell the PT today she'll be ecstatic after she yells at me for running 10 miles. I iced right after I was done in hopes to keep the pain that I knew would hit later in the day at bay. By the evening my leg started to ache. But it was more in the hip and groin area than the shin. I have had issues with that area for over a year now but choose to ignore it. My shin hurt but again not as much as I would have thought. I got my nightly massage and ice to the shin and it was off to bed. This morning it's more sore than before I ran yesterday but no sharp pains of any sort. Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I may be seeing it soon.

This week more of the same routine. I'm waiting for the cable guy to get here this morning so I can enjoy my bike trainer rides a little more. Our CC isn't working properly and it double letters and adds a few extra as the words go across the screen. Has to do with new digital boxes we had to put on. I need the TV to work so I can read it and listen to music on my ipod at the same time. Now that is multitasking. Riding a bike, listening to music, watching TV and reading it. If only I could figure out how to get the laundry done and the house cleaned at the same time.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Minute if I'm Lucky

It's been a good week so far in the land of keeping fit. After my 3 days off last week I got myself back on the bike for a 20 mile ride on the trainer and a 3 mile run. Monday was a 5 mile run, spin class and 1500m swim drills. Tuesday was a 3 mile run and a 2500m long swim. Wednesday was a 5 mile run and a 10 mile bike. Today is a rest day..........yes.

I found myself the other day while I was running starting to visualize the finish line of the 1/2 iron man. I have no idea what it will look like or how many people will be there cheering me on but that really wasn't what I was seeing. What I was visualizing was the line. The finish line. The chip timing mats. The volunteers who line the last 30 yards to make sure you don't fall, trip or pass out. As I was thinking about this the adrenaline started to flow. I got that feeling that only happens the first time you tackle an endurance event. Like the first time I crossed the finish line of my first marathon. Everyone that I did after that was just not the same. The last 30 seconds of my first marathon were the best 30 seconds I have ever felt in terms of endurance and accomplishment. It was something that I did on my own and was all about me. No one else. I didn't want the feeling to go. I actually slowed down probably adding a few seconds to my time just to enjoy the moment. I am convinced that again I will get that feeling for the 1/2 iron man. I know this because the anticipation is already there. The visualizing is already starting. I will be preparing for a feeling that lasts if your lucky a minute for the next 7 months. 7 months for 1 minute. Let me tell you it will be worth it.

Came across this last night. It's from the IMFL race this past weekend. These are the people I admire the most. These are people just like me. Someday I hope to tackle the ironman. One step at a time though, one step at a time.

Ironman Florida 2009 at Midnight from Ray Maker on Vimeo.

Friday, November 6, 2009


The calm before the storm is here and I am having trouble getting motivated. I feel like I should be taking it easy just because soon I will be a crazed person running around with my head cut off.

I wonder how am I going to keep up with these workouts and handle all the other things I do when the holidays roll around. Most years I am done with my Marathons or any racing of any kind and I let that all go while I concentrate on other things. Like baking, shopping, decorating, hosting, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, holiday functions, 2 birthday's, potlucks, bowling, band concerts, school shows, physical therapy, doctor's appointments so on and so on. This year I have all that and still getting my butt to the gym at least 3 times a week. I decided today that as long as I get in 3 quality workouts I will be able to keep my fitness level up. I may not get any better at swimming, biking or running but I can maintain what I have now. That's about the best I'm going to do I'm afraid.

I thought about giving up some of the more time consuming holiday traditions I do. In particular the holiday baking. Making 120 dozen cookies is about 40 hrs in the kitchen and takes about a week from start to finish. This doesn't include the ingredient list and the time to go out and buy all I need. It's something I have done for about 15 years now. I hate cooking and baking. I hate spending time in the kitchen. But the feeling when I'm finished and the looks on friends faces when the cookies arrive at their houses is priceless. Kinda like crossing the finish line of a race. I thought about giving up decorating the house to the point that it looks like it should be in a magazine. But that too brings me pleasure. When I sit at night after a long busy day, I can enjoy our beautiful trees (yes, more than 1 Christmas tree) and everything else that puts a light glow throughout the house. It brings me a sense of calmness. If I didn't go all out I'd just be sitting there at night thinking I should of taken the time to give it my all and not skimped out. Just like a race. Give it your all and you will be happy no matter what the outcome.

I guess my point is that I will take another day off today. It will be the 3rd day in a row that I give myself a break. I have spent some of that time Christmas shopping, running errands and going to PT. Today I think I'll stay home and enjoy the calm before the storm as it's just right around the bend.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm Winning...

I see it's been over a week since I have blogged about my mundane life. It's also been over a week that I have been fighting a new battle. The battle of staying healthy. It's been tough but so far I'm in the lead.

My husband started this all with the loss of his voice and a girlish laugh. A laugh that would bring tears to my eyes because he sounded so ridiculous. After the voice came back so did a sore throat. Then a few days later the cold moved to his head along with one of those annoying coughs that I think annoy everyone else as much as himself. Now he's fighting the sore throat again. This has been going on almost two weeks with him. This is a man that rarely gets sick and when he does it last only a few days. I should be so lucky. I have been trying to convince him to go to the doctor. He is wasting precious time getting on an antibiotic if it's needed. Instead he keeps waiting it out to see if it moves again or gets worse. So that puts me at risk along with the kids. Let the battle begin.

So I spent last week fleeing away from him whenever possible. I started taking Airbourne, Vit D and Vit B6. We took turns sleeping on the couch at night. Whether it was sympathy symptoms or I truly am fighting something off I don't know. I spent one night last week with a sore throat, one with an upset stomach, one with clogged ears and a bit stuffy and last night I was so achy I wanted to scream and tear a few limbs off. However I refrained. Every morning I wake up exhausted. I did make it to the gym Monday and Friday of last week for some good workouts and I rode the trainer and ran on Sat. So still 3 workouts during the week long battle of staying healthy. Typically I would have done more but I figured some extra rest would help just in case the bug was waiting to pounce.

Today I again woke up tired but decided enough was enough. I need to get back to it. So it was a 4 mile run followed by spin class followed by 1600 meter swim followed by an hour long PT session. Feeling tired but in a good way. The sun was shining today. That always helps. I'm hoping the Vit D will help with the Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) I really struggle with that when the cold winter months set in. But today the sun was out bright and I loved every minute of it. My house is sunny due to the trees loosing their leaves out back. The sun shine pouring in and a new view of the wet lands in the back always makes me smile.

What doesn't make me smile is my sick husband who needs to get his butt to the doctor. I have managed to dodge the bullet so far. My youngest is not as lucky. Yesterday the sore throat and a squeaker voice. This morning more of the same. I'll be keeping a close eye on him for the next 48 hrs and then we are off to the doctors if need be.

Airbourne anyone?

Friday, October 23, 2009


Thank God I'm Finished. What did you think I meant?

It's been a very busy workout week after my duathalon. Four days straight of hard workouts. Well maybe yesterday's wasn't too bad. I figured in 4 days I got rid of almost 7500 calories. Too bad the scale won't show it! Tomorrow is a rest day. I'm looking forward to it. Instead I will spend the time cleaning my bike. The ride on Wednesday coated it with mud and leaves, probably a few leftover lady bugs too. It will take as long to clean it as it would to run 6-7 miles.

Today I had a first. I tried to switch things up a bit. Always good for anyone to do that when they workout. Constantly changing your routine is the best way to get stronger and faster. Anyway I ran twice today and it's only noon! I ran 4 miles this morning around 6:45am and then I ran another 4 miles at around 10:15. However, in between those runs I went to spin class to get my butt kicked. Luckily it was an endurance day. Yeah! I am learning that I need to bring food to the gym or eat some GU or sport beans between sports. My last mile today was very tough. I started to get a bit light headed and my body was struggling. Note to self. EAT! Two pieces of peanut butter toast in the morning is just not cuttin it anymore.

I plan on going out tonight for dinner and enjoying some family time. Lately I feel like my husband and I haven't had much time together. We are both busy doing our own things. We were trying to fix that awhile back and it lasted a bit but I see us falling back into a routine that I so want to get out of. The key is to keep switching it up. Constantly changing your routine is the best way to help your relationship get stronger. Funny how that works.........

Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More room in the pool!

It's that time of year again.......

The people who went to the gym all year to loose weight or to get in shape seem to be dropping off like flies. Happens every year. Once mid October hits people stop going to the gym. I have to confess I was one of those people. I would work hard most of the year to gear up for my fall marathon and then I would take a couple of weeks off to regroup and recover. Well those weeks turned into a month and before ya know it I had Thanksgiving, birthday's and Christmas to worry about. Who has time to go to the gym? We work so hard to get into shape and then we blow it the last 3 months of the year. I vow not to let that happen this year. I can't let it happen. I don't have time to slack off. I have to be in good condition to tackle a training schedule come Jan.

It's an ugly rainy day today. One of those days you just want to hide under the covers. Actually, I did do that this morning. I didn't get up until 7. My husband got my oldest off to school and I was lazy and just didn't get up to run. But I did get myself to the gym. Keeping in mind that it's a crappy day I figured that the gym wouldn't be as busy as usual and I was right. The pool was like glass as I got in. So quiet there today. I did 400m drills. One fast, 8:35. One with water gloves, 9:05. One slow, 9:40 and a couple of 100m kick board drills. Probably a total of 45-50 mins in the pool. There was an interesting man in the far lane of the lap pool. As I was taking a break I watched him and just giggled. He was an older man. Probably in his late 60's. He brought his flippers to wear. Which is not all that uncommon. I have a pair myself. However, he also brought along a snorkel. He went up and down the pool head down, snorkel up and just kicked. I'm not sure what he was looking for? He wasn't doing any strokes. Just kicking, like you would on vacation when your admiring the coral and salt water fish. I started swimming again thinking I wonder what he's looking for?? He reminded me of those old men that have their medal detectors on the beach as they go back and forth in search of the next golden treasure. He just looked ridiculous snorkeling in a lap pool. I hope he wasn't watching me!

After swimming I did an hour on the elliptical. I feel like I didn't do enough today. But I did run 5 miles, swim 2400m, elliptical for an hour on Tuesday and Wednesday I biked to Wisconsin for a total of 38 miles. I deserve an easier day, right?

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Marathon...check. Triathlon...check. Duathalon...check.

It's official I am now a Marathoner, a Triathlete and a Duathlete. "Go Me"

Today was a great day for so many reasons. And really little of it has to do with me. But I'll give my race report anyway.

I was up at 5:45. First instinct is to check my knee, shin and my IT band which has been rather tight the last few days. Knee good to go, yes! Leg, not too bad, I haven't run on it since Monday. IT band slightly tight, did a few stretches before I did anything else. My father showed up an hour later and we were off to the race a little before 7. I was nervous, especially about the running. Dave was quiet. Asked him if he was nervous he said no. If I were him I would of been nervous! This was a first for him with no training on the bike and to add to the enjoyment a bike that is basically a 13 yr old piece of crap. Easy breezy check in and then we racked the bikes. There was supposed to be chip timing but that was not the case. About the only flaw the race directors made. We were set to go by 7:30. This is my most hated part of racing. The wait. You get cold. It was 34 degrees. You get more nervous. You start wondering if you're ready to race. I started sizing up the competition and quickly drew to a conclusion that I was not bring home a medal today. There were some serious cyclists there. There was also a lot of people my age. Much more than a typical race. This group was a well established bunch of runners and bikers. Ones that have been doing this for years.

The gun went off at 8 and let me give you the unedited version of the beginning. I started running and quickly realized that pavement hurts my leg. I couple of winces and an ouch or two later I completely forgot my leg hurt. Instead I was thinking "holy crap!" These people are fast. Everyone and I mean everyone took off. It was like a 100 meter dash! I have never been in a race where so many took off at one time. Usually you have about 25% fast 50% middle of the packers and 25% back of the packers. Not this time. I'd say about 80% were fast! So what's a girl to do? My thoughts, you've got to be friggin' kidding me? Really this fast? Don't they know we have to bike and run again? There's no way if I don't keep up that I have a chance as passing anyone on the bike. So I did the best to keep up. I ran way faster than I had intended. First mile was 7:56 and second was 8:10. This was not nearly fast enough.

Bike transition went well and I was quickly onto the roads. More than 1/2 this course I am familiar with. But yet it certainly doesn't feel that way when you are racing. Because there were so many good cyclists in this race I wasn't able to pass many people. I also felt like I was pushing hard but yet not hitting the 18 mph mark. I have realized today that this winter I will need to put in a lot of spin class hours and a lot of trainer hours to get faster. In order to be in contention for a age group medal I'm going to have to average 19-20 mph. I'm ready to tackle that mission. I had my garmin tracking the whole race and I avg about 3:35 min miles on the 12.4 mile course. I would love to get that down to about 3:15 min miles within the next year.

Transition from bike to run went well. Fumbled a bit with changing my helmet to my hat but not much time was lost. As I was exiting the transition area one of the race directors told me I was the 15th female to come in. What really?? I want to reply, "out of 16, right?" Well didn't he give me something to think about. As I shuffled my way through the first 1/2 mile with my biking legs still on duty I wondered how many age groups are there? If there are 3 top females in each age group maybe just maybe I'll get a medal. If like 1/2 the females ahead of me were all in the same age group which wasn't mine I definitely would get one. I quickly tried to get the math facts out of my head because I was really struggling. No one knows how difficult it is to bike then hop off and run until you do it. Finally after the first 1/2 mile my biking legs went on break and they were replaced with the slower version of the running legs I had about an hour ago. I averaged about 9 min miles for the end of the race. I totally forgot that my leg even was injured. That is progress. I finished the race in 1:22:26. With total miles of 16.4.

We stayed for the medal ceremony but to no avail. Maybe next year. I was rather disappointed. The race director got my hopes up. But really I think I did well today. But my husband is the one who deserves a medal.

Now maybe he didn't really go about this race the right way. Two spin classes doesn't constitute training for a duathalon. But that's what he had under his belt. Better than nothing, right? Smoked the run coming in only about a minute behind me. But what's most impressive is that he avg around a 5:15 min mile on that old crappy mountain bike. It's amazing how much the bike makes the difference in a race. He did the best he could with what he had. Worth a medal in my book. I was glad that he got to experience the bike to run transition. He now knows what it feels like to have biking legs when you are running. And again it didn't stop him. He came in only about 12 mins after I did. Amazing.

My father also did the race today and did great. There are not a lot of men that are 59 yrs old that can do what he does. After breaking his ankle in April he is finally on the road to recovery. Very impressive performance. There is 20 yrs between us and I have to say if he was my age he would beat my butt every time! I have no official times yet, but I believe that he was only 7 minutes behind me. Soon I'm going to have to start watching my back. He may pass me on the bike someday!

Thanks go out to the family for braving the cold and cheering us on and taking 1 million pictures. It's always nice to have them with us. Always nice to feel the support. Always important to share our victories with the ones we love. Thank You.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

In Need of a Decision Maker

After racing for the past 5 years you would think that I would have a master plan. You would think that the day before the race I would know exactly what I need for that day. You would be thinking wrong.

Tomorrow I have my first duathalon. Should be easier than a triathlon. It's only a 2 mile run followed by a 12.4 mile bike followed by another 2 mile run. But really no race is ever easy. If your racing, it will be hard. I don't care what distance you're doing. Racing means giving it 100% of your effort. But along with giving 100%, part of the equation is picking the right clothing, nutrition, fluids so on and so on.

I have spent the past 24 hrs contemplating what to wear. Do I wear tri shorts? No, it's too cold. Do I wear tights? Not sure, as they have no bike pad. Can I wear my tri shorts under the tights? Probably not. But maybe. Do I wear the white shirt or the black one? Maybe I should wear both. Jacket is a must, but do I wear it on the run too? What about gloves? I have running gloves and biking gloves. Maybe I can wear the thin running gloves under the biking gloves. But do I wear them both the whole time or do I put on the biking gloves as I'm in transition? On to the electronics. Unfortunately they say no headphones. It's only a 4 mile run so I think I can handle that. But what about the heart rate monitor? Do I wear that or the garmin for distance? Heart rate monitor would be great for the biking. However, I like to know my pace with the garmin on the run. Solution would be buy the new triathlon garmin that has both. Not going to happen today. So which do I choose? Nutrition. Do I bring GU or beans? Do I take a Gu at the start? On the bike? Both? Can't eat the beans while running but can while biking. Gu however is easier to handle. Decisions. decisions.

It doesn't stop there. I have to make an effort to pay attention to what I eat and drink today. I need to pay attention to my knee that has been bothering me for two days now. I slept wrong on it Thursday night and now am paying the price. Of course my leg. I have to pay attention to not turning it funny or aggravating it today. On to tomorrow, what time do we leave? Where do we go? Where do we park? Where exactly is the starting line?? Will there be enough people directing us on the course? There are a lot of turns, it better be well marked. The Legacy Arts in Crystal Lake is hosting this race, it's a first for them. Do they know how to pull it off? Do they know what they are doing?

Funny part is that I can think of so many more decisions that will be made in the next day that I haven't even touched upon. There are so many variables to racing that you just have to try and make the best decision for that day and hope the rest will fall into place. That doesn't always happen but when it does it's a great feeling. I usually know how the race will go within the first 5-10 mins. As my body gets into a rhythm and I diagnose how I feel, I start to make a plan. I start to strategize. I start making very quick decisions. I become someone who knows exactly what to do. I have a master plan. That plan tomorrow is to bring home a medal.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lucky in Love

My husband is getting a taste of what it is like to be a triathlete.  He went to spin class for the second time this past Friday.  He was a little smarter this time he tells me.  I understand that as the male way of saying that he wasn't as cocky this time around.  Instead of going full force right way he eased himself into the class, got comfortable and finished strong.  Isn't that what we all would like to do?  Ease into the goal or workout or  training program,  get acclimated and then end strong as the finish line approaches?  Sometimes I forget what the finish line is.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the day to day workouts that I forget to ease into the goal.  I forget to get comfortable.   I forget that I'm working towards what most people don't even dream of.  Maybe because they are smarter than I am!  Maybe because they haven't realized their real potenial.  A 1/2 Iron Man  is nothing to sneeze at.  It takes courage, smarts, patience, pain, endurance and mental toughness.  I should expect it to be hard, a challenge, on the verge to being impossible.

The day after my husband took spin class he went for a run.  He ran 3 miles with an average pace of 8:40.  See the problem with this is, he decided to tell me this as I was just starting my run on the treadmill.  My loving husband runs on avg maybe once a week and more towards once evey ten days.  How is it possible that he can run an 8:40 pace as I struggle to maintain a 9:40 pace?  My father is quick to respond, defending the both of us I think, that my husband is well rested and he goes out and gives his all once and has 7-10 days recovery.  So I try and take that into account.  But still it hurts.  I think it's great for him.  I know he reads this blog so, "Way to go honey!!"  But really I struggle.  As I started my run after he was proud to tell me about how fast he ran, tears started to fall.  I started to question myself once again.  Why after all these years and all these miles can he still run faster??  Doesn't seem fair.  But to quote my mother "Life isn't fair."  Mom your right it's not so get over it.  That I did.  I decided to run 7 miles at a 9:40 pace with pain in my leg and I was happy at the end.  I may never be fast but I am an endurance athlete.   I will cross that finish line strong, just as my husband taught me. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Healing the Leg and Soul

This morning was a quiet morning. My husband left for work very very early and I had no need to get up since the kids are off for the next 5 days. Didn't they just go back to school? Quiet and peaceful it was until I decided that I had to get up as I just couldn't sleep. That was around 7:30. I realized quickly that my leg didn't seem to hurt as much today. That is a milestone. Now take into account that I took Wednesday off from working out but did clean the entire house. However, I have taken days off before where I wasn't pounding on it and it still always hurts. Today it was just a very dull sore. Progress. I could see the joy in my PT's eyes when she asked as she always does, "How's the leg?" Typically my answer, "The same." Not today. Drum Roll Please...."It's Better." I felt hope for the first time in months that maybe things are healing. Maybe I'll get past this. Then after 45 mins of PT it hurt again! But not really that bad. You expect it to hurt after PT. Messing with the injured area for that whole time should cause some pain. But I didn't limp out or wince when I walked down the flight of stairs out to the parking lot. Progress at it's best.

So I took yesterday and today off from the gym after working myself hard for 5 days in a row. Tuesday was tiring. I ran 3 miles, swam 2200m, elliptical for 30 mins then did a circuit core class for an hour. Tomorrow I look forward to scamming my husband into going back to spin class again with me. Anything to make the class more enjoyable for myself. Plus I also convinced him to register for a race with me in two weeks. 2 mile run, 12.4 mile bike, 2 mile run. Should be fun.

We have a holiday weekend upon us. One that typically brings me stress, anxiousness, pain, joy and then pain again in that order. It's Chicago Marathon weekend. Sunday is the marathon. I have done this marathon in 05,07,08. In 06 I chose a different location. This will be the first year in 5 years that I'm not running a marathon. Have to say I'm sad about it. But I know that it was the right choice, seeing that my leg wouldn't make it and I have other goals now. Still Sunday morning will be difficult as I watch the footage on TV. Before I ran my first marathon, I used to watch them on TV, with tears in my eyes, thinking someday I will do that. Sunday I will be sitting there, with tears in my eyes, thinking someday I will be back.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Trying it Backwards

Back at it and back on track. I spent the weekend, working out, shopping, eating, drinking, working out, sleeping, working out....

Yesterday was a fun day, except for almost crashing into a ditch. I rode 40 miles on a day that was windy and a bit chilly. Had to break out the new cold weather tights. I was glad I had them. Much of the time there was no sun and it did get a bit brisk. My Dad and I headed out around 11:45 and went north on the prairie trail. The trail was wet in places and leaves had fallen. At about 5 Miles into the ride I somehow managed to save myself from what would of been a brutal crash. I was headed downhill with a right turn at the bottom. I was riding the brake but just at the bottom my tires caught wet leaves and out went the tires from under me. I was able to pull myself up straight and stayed on the bike. At this point though I should of been turning right but I was pulling the bike to the left to keep upright. I missed the turn and headed towards the bushes. Luckily I stopped right at the tree line. I realized after I came to a complete stop that I would of fallen into a ditch if I had gone another 6 inches. Close one.

The rest of the ride was uneventful. Although I did see a snake, baby turtle and the strangest bug beattle thing I have ever seen. I thought I was only going to go 20 miles at an easy pace. My father agreed to the easy pace but not the mileage. So 30 it was going to be. Then of course at 15 miles it was, why not go an extra 5 and make it an even 40 round trip? Ha, my father should of listened to me. I had a snack at mile 20 and I was ready to go. At 30 I felt great. My father was tiring. He was ready to be done. I give credit to my Luna Bar. What a difference it made. If only he had listened to me we would of been already home. Next time I'll bring him a Luna Bar.

Today I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and was surprised that my legs didn't feel too bad after that ride. I then got to spin class and started pedaling. Yup, I feel the tired legs now. It's amazing how you use different muscles to ride and run with. I also noticed that my shoulders hurt. Especially my left one. I have decided that it was due to my almost crash. I think I tensed up so bad and pulled the bike up so hard that I irritated them. After spin I headed to the pool for a few 400's. Plan was 1 fast, 1 comfortable and one 1/2 and 1/2. I'd say I got that down. I was at 8:55 for the first 400 then 9:30 for the second then 9:15 for the third. I accomplished my own sprint tri today, completely backwards.

I headed to PT this afternoon. She spent extra time with the ultrasound and massage today. I was very tight on both sides of my shin. Can't seem to get everything to relax in there yet. Looks like many more nights of ice threapy. The kids get a kick out of how cold my leg gets when I'm done and how long it stays cold. I certainly don't get the kick out of it when it starts to thaw and throb! But you do what you have to do to get it healed.

Tomorrow another day at the gym!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Use Somebody

I'm slacking with the blog postings. I need to do better. I feel that if there is nothing really worth blogging about then why bother? But there is a reason to this blog. I need to post about those non eventful days. I need to explain how training is going even when it doesn't seem important. I need to be able to go back to all of these posting and realize that not everyday can be awe inspiring.

Another week has come and gone. Another week of virtually no sleep. Which means little to no workouts. Combine that with physical therapy which I have decided that the theme to my injury is, "It's going to get worse before it gets better" and I reached a limit that I don't like to get to. The one where I eat everything, get mean, tired, hurt and wonder why? Is it worth it? I'll make myself reread my post "Is it worth it?" after I'm done writing this one!

This all brings me to today. I ran this morning a whopping 3 miles. Yes it hurt and it will continue to hurt for many weeks to come. My PT has been working on getting my two ankle bones to move more freely. Opposite of each other. SO now not only does my shin hurt so does my ankle! Anyway I ran this morning and fought with myself on whether to go to spin class. This was an hour long mental battle. Down to getting the clothes out to putting them away to getting them back out again. Because I hadn't been working out much and hadn't been to the gym in a week it's always a hurdle for me to get myself to go back. Nothing short of a miracle I went. I was glad I did as my father was there too. Yesterday he showed up at my house ready to scold me for not going to the gym, however he was surprised to see my son home from school with a giant golf ball bump on his forehead. A whole other story. Had I not shown up today I would of been grounded!

Today's class anaerobic drills. Not really what I felt like doing. A nice easy ride without raising my heart rate above 140 would of been more pleasurable. However that class doesn't even exist. Class started at 9 and by 9:30 I was glad I was there. I felt better. I was pushing very hard. Hills, sprints, recovery repeat. That would make for a good shirt. Anyway, I realized when the song "Use Somebody" came on that I needed to use this class. These people, the instuctor, my father and my friend. It was great to be there. I felt strong. I remembered my goal. I remembered why I do this to my body, I remebered that even though I haven't worked as hard as I could have this week I can still kick most peoples butt when challenged. I remebered that I am an athlete. A week of no sleep can't take that away from me.

Thankfully I am back to my normal sleeping habits. Of course that's not even close to normal for most but it's all I get and I'll take it. I can function. I can get stuff done. I can hit the gym. I can hit the trails this weekend. I can enjoy the weekend with my family. I can work hard and I can play hard!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's 2 O'Clock Somewhere

Well it has been a very uneventful week in the world of getting back into shape. Not much to report other than I can do better.

I find I'm struggling with food. This is not a new realization but one that I continue to struggle with. I could blame it on the fact that I'm a stay at home mom that gets bored and eats. Or I could blame it on the fact that by 2 pm I am starving and I eat everything I can find. I could say that stress plays a huge part in my eating habits. There are so many things I could blame my eating on. I have said this for many many years that if I didn't work out as hard as I do I would weigh 300 lbs easily. That would be double my size. I know I eat twice as much as I should. Not to mention that the "twice part" is all junk. Everyday I think, I can do better. Then the clock strikes 2 and I turn into a person who hasn't eaten in weeks. I find myself thinking about Dr. Phil. He would say, "What's your payoff?" "What do you get out of eating all that junk?" "You must get something or you wouldn't do it." I guess I do get something out of it. I get comfort. I get a feeling of satisfaction. I must be missing that in my life. How do I find that without eating it? How do I improve the way I feel? Funny thought because most people say exercise will help. Got that covered. A more restful sleep? Me. ha. That will never happen. If I can find a way to feel more powerful, satisfied and comforted I truly think I would beat these cravings. I have yet to figure out how to do that. But I'm hoping that starting to blog about it may help. It certainly can't hurt.

I haven't been able to do as much in the form of workouts as I would have liked this week. I was on my own over the weekend with a sick kid. Then my other one came home from camping and looked like he had been eaten alive. After going back and forth with the possibility of chicken poxs, it was determined that it was just a bunch of bug bites. I had him home when I am usually gliding along in the pool. So back at it tomorrow. Hopefully Dr Phil. will scream in my ear to put down that Oreo because it's just not worth it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's About Time

Time to test the leg. Time to test myself. Time to see how long I can handle running on it. I had only 1 hr to spare. So maximum would be 6 miles. Could I do it? Would I decide to quit, because it hurt too much? Or would I decide to quit because somewhere along the way I have seem to have lost my running endurance? I can swim 2 miles but ask me to run and I quiver at the thought.

After my kids went off to school I still chose to run on the treadmill. Safety at home. The softness of the treadmill just seems to be a smarter choice right now. I had emailed my sister in law about an hour earlier to give some advice on how to run longer while making it seem easier. Time makes it feel easier. Time will give you the strength in your legs. Time spent running faster in short runs will make the slow long runs easier. Time will make your average pace increase in speed. I have put in my time over the past 5 years. So where did it all go? 6 miles just seems like a giant feat. One I was determined to overcome.

I'm glad to say the run went great. I kept a pace of 9:40 for the first 5 miles and for the last mile I ran it in 9 minutes. Giving me 2 1/2 minutes to spare of my hour limit. I had aches in my leg the entire way. With some sharp pain around 2.5-3 miles. Then it calmed down again. Kept telling myself that the doctor said it was OK to run through the pain. Too bad my physical therapist doesn't agree.

So who do you believe? The doctor you have seen for every sport injury I have had or the physical therapist who knows me by name when I walk through the door? Doctor says do what ever you want your shin bone is fine. As long as you can tolerate it. Really? I have a high pain threshold as most women do. I can tolerate a lot. PT says hold mile 2.5-3 the pain in your leg got worse right? More like a person stabbing a fork in your shin bone with each stride. She tells me that's when I need to stop. When the ache turns to pain. If I don't this injury will linger on and on and on. I want to believe the doctor. But I think I agree with the PT. Of course this doesn't mean that I won't run through the pain once in awhile. But maybe I will only run the longer runs once a week until this goes away. I'd say that's a good compromise. Let's make everyone happy shall we?

So it's time to heal. Time to ice. Time to get smart with my running. Time to have patience as this may take awhile.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

He's a Changed Man

Growing up I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my Dad. I was an only child and both my parents worked constantly to make ends meet. My father is a quiet man unless he gets to his breaking point. Then all hell lets loose. But I think I could count on one hand the times that has happened in my 38 years. So quiet he was when he was home. Usually tired from work he would sit in his chair and watch TV eventually falling asleep. I remember watching Greatest American Hero, Hulk and the Muppet show in the evenings with him. I spent more time with my Mom growing up, though it wasn't as much time as I spend with my kids due to the fact that she worked also. But she tried to be there when she could. My Dad, well he was there too, but not really checked into the family gig. Don't get me wrong my parents took great care of me and provided me with everything I would need and or wanted. Only child syndrome of being spoiled. But the family unit was never really there. I think I missed out on a lot compared to how I raise my children, but it made me who I am and I don't think I'm all that bad!

My whole point is that my father has changed. His life changed and slowly he changed. He got remarried had twin girls and was at a point in his life that he could spend more time with the kids and his family. I was 18 then and off to college. I missed that whole part yet again. I then moved to Colorado and missed out for another 2 years. I came back and life went on. He's was changing into a father I wished I had grown up with. Fast forward about 20 years and here we are today. My sisters are in college and my father is retired. I waited about 36 years for my time and now it's here.

My father watched me do what he thought at the time was nutty and possibly impossible for me to do. I ran my first marathon in 2005. My father ran a marathon with me 3 years later. We did our first sprint triathlon together. I spend all sorts of time with my father, swimming, biking and running. We analyze, compare, train and compete with each other. We support and give advice to each other. We get injured and watch the other take on the race with pride in our faces. Without trying we have found our way to a great father daughter relationship. It's one of the best things about doing all this training. I know that my Dad will be right there with me.

Thanks Dad.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Back At It

I left the doctors office today thinking, OK I guess that's good news. But I wasn't convinced. I was so afraid that he was going to say that the MRI showed nothing. You would think that would be good. But no the pain is bad enough that I know it can't be nothing. I was right.

It's not a stress fracture!!! Yeah that's the good news. Shin bone is solid and I can swim, bike and RUN as much as I want or for how long I can tolerate the pain. However, it is a stress response. Never heard of that term. Basically all my ligaments attaching to my shin bone are all inflamed. From the top all the way to my ankle. A severe case of shin splints. Or in my case shin splint. But with that I have a few tears in the lower tendons which is where I have really been complaining it hurts. The rest of the shin I haven't really noticed. So I got this injury in April and laid off for 9 weeks allowing it to heal. All I did was put it in my back pocket for it to rear it's ugly head again. I need to be aggressive to get it to heal. SO that's includes all my workouts, Physical therapy which will include exercise and ultrasonic therapy, ice and patience. Back to therapy I go.

SO the minute I left the doctor's office I headed to the gym. Did a 2000m swim and jumped on the elliptical for an hour. I obviously felt like I had something to prove. I was going to run but that is what really aggravates the leg so I'll try in the morning for a small 2-3 mile run before heading out for a long bike ride.

I feel that my setback is no longer that. I got my long awaited answer and now it's time to do something about it and get back to normal, whatever that may be. Better now to have this happen then a month or two from race day.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Itsy Bitsy Progress

It's Friday.....TGIF....Yahoo it's Friday.....Fantastic, made it to Friday, yada, yada, yada as my mother says.

So why do I feel let down? Why do I feel it's an up hill battle? Why do I feel like I'll never get there? Today I've asked myself why all day. So far I'm struggling for the answer.

I have done nothing in the form of exercise since my Monday's Mutt Club spin. Could I of continued on with my week and did the routine workouts? Yes I probably could of. But this is when it gets really tricky. Is it better to continue on and ignore the nagging pain in the leg or do I lay off and finally find out what's wrong? This pain started in April , I took off 9 weeks to let it heal. Within 10 days it's back. You have got to be kidding! I spent Tuesday getting x-rays, Thurs getting an MRI with my feet taped together and I swear there was a spider on my leg for the 40 mins I couldn't move. OK, maybe it was just a string from the towel under my knees but it felt like a spider. Now I wait until Monday morning for my answer. Why do I have a feeling that the doctor will come up with nothing? Why do I think that this goal of mine just got 10 times harder to reach?

I think I've put on about 5 lbs this week. I've eaten everything I can get my hands on. I do that all the time but mostly the training takes care of that. I have been craving carbs, comfort foods, sugar all the time. Stress, lack of sleep, hormones will do that to you. Man oh man this is getting really hard..... I made the decision today that after he tells me what's wrong on Monday or what's not wrong, I'm headed to the gym to try and heal my mental wounds. Running may be out but I can swim until the fish come home..............

Tomorrow should be an interesting day. I'm playing Sherpa. I'm not a good Sherpa. Dave is an excellent Sherpa. I would grade him an A. I however would grade myself a C. See the problem is I don't want to be a Sherpa. I want to run. I want to run the race tomorrow. I don't want to watch and cheer them on. I want to run and cheer us all on. A race I will miss due to this unknown pain in my leg. Could I run through the pain? Absolutely! I have run with pain much greater than this in a few of the marathons I have done. At mile 3 of the Myrtle Beach marathon my knee was killing me..........What I have to remember is that this 9.11km race tomorrow isn't my goal. It's the 1/2 iron man that's waiting for me. It's my first setback to getting there.........


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mutt Club

Let's rewind the clock and start with Friday morning. I did a 5k run on the treadmill at my usual time. Off to the gym early since my husband was working from home. I was in the pool before 8am. Side by side with my father we swam lap after lap. My total was 72 laps or 1800m. I would of kept going but had to get ready for spin class. Stumbled home and did lots of shopping during the afternoon. Ate an early dinner and off with the husband and father to a 5k race. I was running twice in one day. A first for me. Not sure what my time ended up being, nothing spectacular, I think Dave and I had a 9:15 pace or so and my father was only 20 sec behind us. But with my leg killing me and it being my 4th workout of the day I'll take it.

Sat was spent with friends at a neighborhood festival and an evening with dinner and drinks. There was no work out this day as my leg was asking me to lighten up already. But at dinner cycling was a hot topic. A few of the guys are starting to cycle and enjoying it tremendously. I sit back and wonder as they tell their stories of where they went and how far, just how serious are they? How fast do they go? Are they really riding like I do? They can't be, they don't have the quality of bike I do and they are about 15 years older than I am. It's also the whole I'm getting back into shape talk. But the way they are talking I'm feeling like just maybe they could beat me if we were racing. So as we continue to talk one of the guys mentions going to spin class again on Monday. It would be his second time there. I jumped on that as quick as I could. I volunteered my husband to go, much to his surprise and then everyone decided they would go. Monday 9am spin class, beware. This would give me a better idea of how serious they really were about cycling and could I join them some Sat for a ride and not get left behind?

Sunday was a great day spent with my parents and the kids at Brookfield Zoo. It's been about 10 years since I've been there. I always enjoy seeing the animals, but always wish they didn't have to be locked up. I didn't do any exercise again this day. Did lots of walking at the Zoo which my leg thanked me for later that night as it ached.

So the highlight of the weekend was Monday 9am. There we all were. All 7 of us on the spin bikes, back row of course, so no one can stare at your derriere. We could of been considered one big mutt. We had 2 triathletes, 2 bikers, 1 who works out on a regular basis and 2 who are totally newbies to spin. We all started and I'm proud to say we all finished. An hour later we had one who had pain in his knees, one who couldn't stand up and pedal, one who barely made it through, one who thought it was tougher than a normal endurance ride which Monday was supposed to be, one who lost his footing and one who lost his shorts and one who enjoyed every minute of the pain because we were all there together. So this was it, I was very curious to know how the two guys compared that to their weekend cycling adventures. For me this particular class was tough but nothing that I can't handle. Was similar to a ride I would do outside. For them it wasn't even close. That spin class cooked them and spit them out. That's when I knew everything they say about biking has to be put into perspective. I think they are doing great and hope they keep it up. But I now know, what they consider to be long, fast and tough is just another day for me. Another sign I'm making progress.

So now I wait........went to the doctor this morning to finally find out what's up with my leg. Putting it off for 5 months was enough for me to break down and go. X-rays show nothing but the area is painful enough to dig deeper. So I get a MRI done Thurs with results on Monday. Until then I think I'll stay away from running. Anyone up for another spin class? ;)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is it worth it?


* I started to exercise once again.
* Everything seems to be falling in place with my new workout schedule.
* The swim has been the easiest thing to go back to, which is a huge surprise.
* I started weight lifting again twice a week.
* I'm taking long bike rides on the weekends with my father.
* I am eating much healthier than I was.
* I dropped 4 pounds so far, 11 more to go.
* I feel proud of myself for jumping back into the life of a triathlete.


* My whole body is sore. Especially from the weight lifting.
* My spin classes aren't easy, not that they ever were but I'm still struggling a lot.
* I feel like my day doesn't start until 12 by the time I get home and showered.
* I don't sleep.
* Running has been the biggest challenge, again a huge surprise.
* My leg is hurting again. Same spot, same pain. 9 weeks off wasn't enough.
* Having a goal of a 1/2 iron man can sometimes be overwhelming.

So I take a look at this list and wonder is it worth it? Some days the answer is no. But those days are far and few between. I think getting past those bad days is as challenging as the next workout. Becoming an athlete is as much mental as it is physical. I never realized that until I started training for my first marathon years ago. I do consider myself an athlete, albeit a not in top form one. I have those mental battles everyday. That's when that con list rears its ugly head and starts playing with me. Like today as I spent 3 hrs working out.....6 mile run, over an hour on the elliptical and a 50 min weight class I thought about how my leg hurts, that I was still sore from Tues, that I'm tired, I wish I slept better last night...etc etc. But when I was done it was all worth it. 2000 calories burned and a stronger body and mind to show for it. That's when the pro list shows up and makes me smile. It's absolutely worth it. The pro's by far outweigh the con's. I just need to keep reminding myself of that until I cross the finish line of my first 1/2 iron man in June.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Magical Beans

I am not a good sleeper. That is putting it mildly. I have my phases. I can go a month or two of good sleep, which for me would be about 6 hrs a night or so. Then all of a sudden a light switch gets turned on and I'm doomed. I get about 3-4 hrs. of sleep total during that phase. I have absolutely no trouble falling asleep, just ask my husband. But unfortunately I wake up usually around 2-3 hrs later. That's when it all goes to hell. I toss and turn for the rest of the night. I drift in and out but I'm never really back to a deep sleep. I have lived this way for years. This brings me to last night. After a week of basically no sleep, I must of crashed. I slept a whole 5 hrs straight. That is a rarity.

I got up at my new time of 5:45 am to get my first son up. This morning felt different. I realized after being up about 15 mins this is what if feels like to most people when they get up. Tired but they feel like they slept. I very much enjoyed that feeling! After getting the first off to school I jumped on the treadmill ready to run. I had run yesterday and biked 25 miles so I figured I should be able to run a 4-5 mile run without much trouble now that I was "rested". WRONG.... I ran the first mile and quickly realized that my body felt very very tired. What up with that? I managed to run/walk 4 miles. I would guess I walked about a 1/3 of it. Later that morning I went to spin. Of course it was an AT intervals. Can't get much harder than that. Again my body wasn't up for the challenge. I made it through the class. But I made it more of an AT interval minus 10 beats. I'm a spin class cheater.

Swim was up next. I was ready to just go home. But bagging a workout is worse than at least trying and seeing what I can do. I had some sport beans, maybe half a bag in hopes I would get some energy from somewhere. In the pool I went. My father was there. Ready to out swim me and gut out 1200m. I was hoping for an 800 today. Slow and good form was the theme. Only the second time to be back in the water. I think my father was done at about 800 or 1000m. He stopped a few times. Trouble with his foot cramping. I on the other hand breezed right through 1200m. With a pace of 9:30 for a 400m. It wasn't fast but certainly acceptable considering I'm a newbie again. Maybe swimming is my strength and I just never knew it. Maybe it was the sport beans. I decided I should buy some stock in that company. I'll be eating a lot more of those in the future.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I Gotta Feeling....

It's official...I got back on a bike and in a pool today.

Took spin class this morning after 9 weeks of being off a bike. I was so hopeful that it wasn't a hill climbing day or a sprint day. Someone was watching over me this morning, as it was aerobic endurance day! Thank god. I didn't know if I would of made it through an hour if it had been all hills. My knees throbbed all night long. This getting back into shape thing is not easy! It will take another week before my knees start to cooperate and not ache so much. For now I'll have to suck it up and deal with it. Spin class actually wasn't too bad. I think the music collection for the day is what kept me happy. The instructor had a mix that was exactly what I would of picked. Always makes for helpful motivation.

So after spin I struggled to get on my bathing suit over a hot sweaty body. Always a workout in itself. As I approached the pool I took a look around. It was quiet. The lap pool looked like a piece of glass. Only a few in the hot tub where I so wanted to go. My thoughts were....

"Ok, it's been 2 1/2 months since I did my last swim. Don't expect much. Hopefully I'll get out 100m without drowning."

I remembered back when 2000m seemed effortless.

"I can do this.....I have to do this....I will do this!"

There have been times that I have missed a week or even two of swimming while training. I always felt like a fish out of water the first day I would get back to it. Today the first lap seemed smooth. I can't believe it. I ended up doing a 400m in 9:15 and a second in 9:05. Still around 30-45 secs slower than before, but hey, I'll take it.

Today I saw myself making progress.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's a 6:30 wake up call

The kids are at their first day of school today. It's only a half day. I think they plan it this way just to tease the parents. My oldest will be home by 11am. Does that even really count as a day of school?

I completely hate my morning routine with the kids in school. I have one in middle school and one in his last year of elementary school. My oldest leaves the house at 6:20 am. The other one is still sound asleep until 7:30. That's a good chunk of time that last year I didn't know what to do with. Still tired myself, I usually plopped down in front of the TV. Seemed like a waste of time. I'd rather be sleeping, but once I'm up out of bed there is no sleep to be found for me. So I tried something new today.

Since I'm getting back into shape I decided to try and utilize that hour in a better way. I was on the treadmill by 6:30 and stayed on until 7:30. Didn't matter to me how far I ran or walked, just as long as my legs were moving for an hour. Today I did 4.5 miles. I hope as my body remembers what it is like to be a triathlete, that it will turn into a 6-7 mile run most mornings. That will ultimately be a warm up. For today 4.5 miles was plenty.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Walking Cliche

I gave myself 5 days before I started back to the swimming, biking and running. That would make my start on Wednesday the 26th. Today is Monday the 24th. I decided that I should start on a Monday. Isn't that what everyone thinks? How many Monday's have gone by that I started a new diet or training program? Too many to count. Why do we all feel compelled to start on a Monday? I thought about this over the weekend. My husband went running on Sunday. I could of laced up and headed out with him, but no I was starting on Monday.

So here it is Monday afternoon and I'm proud to say that I'm ready to hit the ground running. Or in the case of this morning, hit the treadmill running. Ran 3 miles and walked 1. Nothing spectacular compared to what I was doing back in May. But you have to start somewhere. I have to take this slow. I have until December to get myself back to where I was. Then I have 6 months to get even better.

It's Monday and I'm a walking cliche.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Getting Ready

This is a first for me. After running countless races, including 4 marathons, I have entered into the life of a triathlete. I have 3 sprint tri's under my belt. Right now I'm probably as out of shape as I was when I first started running again back in 2004. I got burned out. I had numerous injuries. I needed the summer to not do any training. But I slacked off too much and now I'm a couch potato! That is all going to change. I have set my new goal of a 1/2 iron man in June.

This summer has been busy with my two boys. I'm a stay at home mom who would like to get back to being a triathlete not just Mom. School starts this Wednesday. So does my new attitude. This time around I will train to get stronger not faster. I have never claimed to be a fast swimmer, biker, or runner but for some reason I feel like I need to let go of times and speed and work on my strength, mental and physical. If all goes well I will be stronger, faster and ready to kick some butt by June.

5 days and my new life is about to begin.........