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Friday, September 23, 2011


So it's been awhile.  Too long.  I guess I just curled up and decided I was no longer an athlete.  With a diagnosis of a stress fracture and severe shin splints I couldn't to anything without pain.  Not even walk the dog.

I'm now in PT and will be for another two weeks.  Then I'm on my own.  I know the routine.  I can do it in my sleep.  I can not run for another month.  By then the fracture should be healed.  I then have to deal with the shin splints.  Last time I had them it took a year to heal.  A YEAR!  Makes me want to just give up and call it a day, month, year, lifetime.

But then there's the athlete in me.  I may be out of shape now, at least for me, but in the back of my mind I see me crossing another 70.3 race. Yup that's the goal for next year.  Looks as though my training buddy (aka my Dad) will be following another schedule next year.  He's looking to get his second 70.3 medal in April.  I'm looking to get my third in June.  I need more time.  Time to regroup.  Time to enjoy what I'm training for.  I need time to remember that yes I can. 

Yes I will.................June 24th 2012.